tinyletter #10 | last tinyletter

On my end, there's a quiet energy around the office last month, buzzing silently in the background as coworkers start to wind down after hosting several large events, including the Asia Art Archive Library opening on 26th November. As the days grow colder, there's a deliberate attempt to keep things distanced and soft, where we tell each other how much we want to just hibernate for the Winter. 

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tinyletter #9 | picking up the pieces

Hello, hope you've managed to tide over the blood moon lunar eclipse. To say that this period was intense is an understatement. When I read the cards for the eclipse, it was an array of warnings about the emotional turmoil we were about to go through, and of the recognition of where to put our energies into. I'm definitely still feeling the after-effects of the eclipse, of learning what to expel from my life, and what to have more patience for. With that in mind, November will be me slowly picking up the pieces that I abandoned before. 

How was the eclipse for you?

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tinyletter #8 | Beginnings and Endings

Throughout September, I’ve had a mix of conversations with many different friends and acquaintances: A “congratulations” is often followed up with an “I’m sorry.” For those who don’t know, my grandmother passed away on the morning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the same day that my first gallery solo exhibition opened to the public and that was the general theme of what happened in the last four weeks; having a vague comprehension that career-wise, things are going well, while at the same time, feeling numb and empty, that everything is wrong.

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