In Summary: 2021 & Hopes for 2022
Happy holidays, friends, I hope you’re doing well (and if you choose to continue reading, please brace yourself to the incredibly self-indulgent rant below).
Each year, whenever December comes around, time seems to pause, as though to give me the space to look back on everything that’s happened in the past twelve months. However, because of the state of the world, there’s this strangely quiet eeriness that has hovered over us since 2019, as though the year never ended since, and that everything was frozen in time.
Because in a sense, it did. No matter how relatively normal life is in Hong Kong (because “normal” is contributing and sustaining our bustling, non-stop Tetris game of capitalism), Covid halted rapidly-growing movements and triggered endless ever-changing “safety measures” and travel restrictions that no one had the space to breathe and process what had happened. How can one heal from this collective trauma when we are still in the middle of it?
Yet despite this feeling of being held hostage by Covid, 2021 was an extremely eventful year for me both personally and career-wise. And it’s a year that I hope to be a huge turning point when I look back on this year in the future.
Witching Hour: The Beginnings of My Tarot Journey
There’s always that resurgence of energy each year August comes to an end, as though every cell in my body just knows that Summer’s (finally) coming to an end soon. Though Autumn in Hong Kong is never the cozy breezy weather you would imagine, it is also the biggest excuse for me to embrace all of my witchy wackiness in all its glory.
So while I’ve talked about my tarot journey on Kickstarter and maybe other places, but I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here (?).
◉ November Blessings and Warnings ◉
Happy Halloween, friends! Tonight, we are blessed by the Blue Hunter’s Moon which is basically a double whammy. For those who don’t know, a blue moon is the second full moon in the span of one month whereas the Hunter’s Moon is the first full moon that comes after the Harvest Moon (Mid-Autumn). For me, I don’t really care about the planets, the moons and their movements unless we’re talking about Retrogrades (because I need to know beforehand so I can prepare myself emotionally for a rollercoaster ride.) When it comes to full moons, I usually just lay out a box of often-used crystals to bask in that moonlight and that’s about it.
However reading tonight has proven to me that maybe I do need to give a little more of a shit about the astrological movements. After shuffling and reading the cards for your monthly pick-a-card, it almost felt like I was high. Like literally . I’m still kind of on that weird, everything’s slowed down a bit, 420 high (I am not a user, I just had an experience in the Netherlands in 2018).
So if that’s any indicator, this reading should be a pretty charged one.
Again, thank you so much for participating in the October Pick a Card as well as this month’s. I’ve been getting really good feedback and I’m still learning during the process, tweaking things a bit as I go but otherwise thank you so, so much for sticking by <3 It means the world to me <3
✸ October Blessings and Warnings ✸
Hello you lovely people~
It’s Halloween season y’all!! If you can’t tell already, Halloween is my absolutely favourite ‘holiday’ of the year. While Hong Kongers don’t usually celebrate it (other than as bookaween for kids and as an excuse to get drunk), my family goes all out for it — we don’t even celebrate Chinese New Year or Christmas as seriously.
We like to make wacky coloured pasta, eat bowls of rum raisin ice cream, drink this concoction (potion) of blackcurrant jelly in grape Fanta soda, all the while watching Nightmare Before Christmas or Practical Magic (depending on that night’s mood). Not to mention I have been dressing up for nearly every Halloween of my life, minus 2-3 years of teenage rebellion.
Anyway, I’m back with another pick-a-card reading for October, thank you again for all the support and lovely messages from last month’s pick-a-card! Do let me know if anything from the last month came true (or if it didn’t resonate, let me know too!)
And now onto your reading!
✧ September Blessings and Warnings ✧
Hello, it’s been a while since I last wrote anything here — I’ve actually been toying with the idea of ‘pick-a-card’ tarot readings since last year but couldn’t for the love of god figure out how to speak in front of a camera. The pick-a-card readings have been immensely popular in the tarot reading community (not that I’m a part of it) and they’re scattered all over Youtube where psychics and readers set out 3 or more piles of cards, oracles, runes and other occult/psychic methodologies and ask the viewer to pick one with intention. They then offer timestamps that interpret and relay messages from that particular pile.
As mentioned, youtube and cameras really aren’t my thing (also I have 0 minutes to spare for editing) so after a few months of experimentation (thank you to my beautiful guinea pigs), I’m going to these in form of blog posts. I’m not going start with a whole pile but I’m still experimenting, but let’s see how things go with just one deck of cards.